Update from the MIAA

Christopher Woods

In light of Governor Baker’s March 25, 2020 mandate that all schools remain closed until May 4th, the status of spring sports will be addressed by the Board of Directors on a March 30th conference call and an immediate update will be provided to the membership. Among TMC recommendations to the Board is that if there is a spring season start date of after April 27th, there will not be an MIAA tournament. This recommendation, as well as a plan to save a spring season for MIAA student-athletes will be the substance of a March 30th Board meeting. This recent news from the Governor is surreal. The MIAA will continue to monitor this fluid situation and provide updates regarding spring sports as soon as they are made available. Thank you all for your flexibility, understanding and patience. Support and guidance to our schools, student-athletes and to you, our membership, is priority during this uncertain time. Stay well.