Mcintyre/Polizzotto Scholarship

MSTCA Scholarship Opportunity
Bob McIntyre

The MSTCA is honored to dedicate these scholarships in the memory of Robert Bruce McIntyre. Bob Mac (as he was affectionately known) is recognized as the heart and soul of high school track for the past 45 years. During a teaching career that spanned over four decades, Mr. McIntyre served the communities of Andover and Melrose, where he also coached many outstanding football and track teams. He served on the Andover School Committee from 1960 to 1976. He was a charter member of the Andover Boosters Club and one of its Directors for twenty years.

He was president of the MSTCA for two years and its Executive Director from 1975 on. His involvement in high school sports was extensive, involving him in many positions of responsibility both in track and football. His talent and hard work earned him numerous awards from organizations such as the Mass. State Football Coaches Association, the Special Olympics Program, and the most prestigious award in 1996, the National Distinguished Service Award.

His dedication to the sport of track is unmatched, and he can be credited with most of the success of this organization. Perhaps his crowning achievement is the construction of the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center, which he personally pursued for 37 years. He has left this organization and its members an outstanding legacy for all of us to emulate.

Apply for a 2024 Scholarship!!!