/Cross Country

Frank Kelley Invite A Huge Success

Frank Kelley Invite A Huge Success

What a day. Wow. I just wanted to sincerely thank all of you for making today's Frank Kelley Invitational not only a success, but truly one for the ages. I can honestly say that if it weren't for each and every one of you, what we witnessed today could never have happened.

We were presented with many challenges, and in the early stages of planning, many doubts. However, the MSTCA and the student-athletes of Massachusetts never gave up. Despite the difficulties of operating a meet of this size within COVID-19 regulations, we did it, and that's for one simple reason. We did it as a team.

Not only were we able to provide student-athletes across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts a welcomed sense of normalcy and excitement, we were able to do it in a completely safe and efficient way. What the team of you were able to accomplish today, with absolutely no trial run, is astounding. And I don't mean that because of who you all are (you're all fantastic), but because of what we were able to accomplish. Student-athletes, coaches, parents, meet workers, trainers, timers, etc. We all did it together.

To me, today embodied all of what the MSTCA is about. We will always stand up for and support our student-athletes. We will always endeavor to find ways to educate them as athletes and as people. And we are committed to operate under the one true philosophy that connects us all: the benefit and success of the high school XC/Track &Field student-athletes of Massachusetts.

I want to finish with a note on the late, great Frank Kelley, for whom we name this meet. Coach Kelley was a phenomenal coach, but he was far and away a better teacher. His philosophy was simple: be the very best version of yourself you can be, and that's all anyone can ever ask of you. Today gave athletes from across the state the chance to work towards that goal in their Cross Country careers. It also showed the MSTCA's ability to adapt and become the best version of ourselves - always striving to be the best for all of those who we are humbled to represent.

Thank you all profoundly for what you did for today's meet - whether in person or behind the scenes. It takes a village, but I can honestly say I'm very proud to belong to this one.