/Cross Country

MSTCA Releases Frank Kelley Invitational Information

MSTCA Releases Frank Kelley Invitational Information

Good Morning Members,

The MSTCA is happy to announce its first meet of the season will take place at Highland Park in Attleboro on Sunday, October 18th.

Frank Kelley Registration Click Here

Frank Kelley Meet Information

As you can imagine, we've had to create many versions of our schedule this fall. The influx of changes we've had to make to the original schedule (changes which continue to occur even through this week) are why we have yet to post a season schedule. We are still working on providing meets for teams over the remaining weekends of the XC season, however this first meet will consist of individual entries, and the amount of participants will be limited in order to follow the EEA mandates. Therefore, each individual athlete (likely with help from a parent) will need to register and pay the $20 entry fee.

We ask that each coach read through the meet information carefully and share it with her/his athletes. If this meet is completed in a safe and successful manner, then we will be able to provide additional opportunities for your athletes to race in state-level meets this fall.

Stay safe!


Registration Begins Thursday Oct 1st at 7 PM

Meet Description

The MSTCA is committed to providing a safe and competitive racing environment for cross country athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the following race setup will be used for this meet:

  • This meet is open only to athletes who are currently enrolled in a Massachusetts High School.

  • Waves of runners will leave the starting line throughout the day.

  • Wave times have been set to allow runners to maintain social distance throughout the course.

  • A maximum of 12 athletes will be allowed in each wave. Each wave will consist of a single gender.

  • The race distance will be 5 kilometers for all waves.

  • Due to the course layout and the wave frequency, this meet is designed for girls who can complete a 5 kilometer race in under 25 minutes, and for boys who can complete a 5 kilometer race in under 21 minutes. Athletes who cannot meet these standards should avoid entering this meet.

  • For the sake of providing a competitive race for as many athletes as possible, some waves will be designated for athletes who have previously attained a particular time on a 5 kilometer cross country course. Only athletes who have met this standard should enter these waves.

  • Only individual entries will be allowed. Team entries will not be accepted for this meet.

  • Chip timing will be used for each wave. Athletes will be crossing a mat both at the start and finish lines. Final results for the competition, based on the net time for each runner, will be compiled after the completion of the final wave and posted here.

Course Description

  • The Mark Coogan XC Course at Highland Park consists of a 1.5 mile loop which is covered twice.

  • The terrain is rolling, grass-covered hills. There are markers at each mile and kilometer.

  • A course map is included at the end of this entry form.

  • Please view this video, courtesy of Bishop Feehan HS, which previews the course.

  • Due to EEA mandates, athletes will NOT be able to preview the course on the day of the meet.

Race/Wave Information

  • Approximately every 20 - 25 minutes, a set of 4 waves will depart. There will be 2 minutes between the start of each of the 4 waves.

  • Each set of waves will consist of a single gender, and the sets will alternate between genders throughout the day.

  • If necessary, the Meet Director may merge sparsely populated waves within the same set. Any athlete whose wave time is slightly altered will be notified prior to the day of the race.

Safety Protocols

For the safety of all participants, the following guidelines have been set up and must be followed:

  • An athlete may have a maximum of 1 spectator accompany her/him. Spectators must enter the site at the same time as the athlete.

  • Athletes will not be allowed onto the Highland Park site until 45 minutes prior to their wave start. If arriving earlier, athletes and spectators will be required to remain in their vehicle until the appropriate time.

  • Upon leaving their vehicles, athletes must proceed directly to the registration tables to receive their bib, pins, pod assignment and t-shirt (if ordered). Athletes (and any accompanying spectators) must then proceed to their pod (home base) in the driving range area to prepare for their race.

  • Coaches may enter the site at any time, but must check-in at the registration table immediately upon arrival.

  • All coaches and spectators must wear masks while on site.

  • All athletes must wear masks while on site except when warming up, racing, or cooling down.

  • On-site warm-up and cool-down running must be completed in a counter-clockwise manner around the flagged perimeter of the driving range area. Athletes are not allowed to warm-up or cool-down on the XC course.

  • Athletes may not approach the starting line area until 5 minutes prior to the start of their wave. One or more MSTCA Representatives will be posted behind the starting line to direct athletes to their appropriate wave area.

  • There will be no water supplied by the MSTCA at the finish line. Athletes must bring their own water.

  • Upon finishing their race, athletes must proceed away from the finish area and directly back to their pod in the driving range area.

  • In order to maintain a safe number of people on site, all athletes must vacate the park within 30 minutes after the conclusion of their race.

Entry Fee:

  • $20 per individual if registering prior to the Regular Entry Deadline

  • $25 per individual if registering prior to the Late-Entry Deadline

Entry Process

Entry Deadlines

  • The Regular Entry Deadline is 11:59 p.m. on Monday, October 12, 2020.

  • The Late-Entry Deadline is 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, October 14, 2020.

  • No entries will be accepted after October 14, 2020. Awards

  • There will not be any awards for this meet.