John Monz

Weston High School

HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS: Cross-Country, indoor track, outdoor track. In the latter two sports, Monz did mostly the mile and two-mile. PROUDEST HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS ACCOMPLISHMENT: “The first time I broke 10:00 in the two mile as a senior.“ COLLEGE: Boston College, 1977 graduate. COLLEGE SPORTS: “Ran cross-country, indoor and outdoor track all four years at Boston College.“ FIRST JOB OUT OF COLLEGE: “I went to law school after college and worked a couple of nights a week cleaning floors to help pay for law school (Harvard University). Once I got my law degree I worked for a consulting firm. Then I went back to school at MIT and got a graduate degree in economics.“ MARITAL STATUS: Married to Monica, 22 years in October. CHILDREN: Caroline (19), Julia (16). HOBBIES: “During the school year I don’t have a lot of time for much, but when I do I enjoy reading, hiking and kayaking.“ COACHING EXPERIENCE: Monz began coaching at Weston High during the winter of 1978-79, but there were no openings that year in spring track so he spend a year as an assistant at Newton South. He was a cross-country assistant through the fall of 1994, becoming the head coach the following fall. He was the head coach for girls’ indoor track, starting in 1980-81 and later became the head coach of both boys’ and girls’ until the 1994-95 season. He was the head coach for girls’ track in 1982 and became the coach of both the boys’ and girls’ program. In 1995 and remains so to this day. KEYS TO SUCCESS: “To be a successful coach, first and foremost, you have to like kids, and want to be around them. You have to understand the various things that are going on in kids’ lives. You have to find a way to motivate them to succeed. You have to reach them and make them believe they can be successful and that what they have to do to be successful is worth it.“ WHAT MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT ME: “Greg Meyer slept on my couch the two weeks leading up to him winning the Boston Marathon (in 1983). He was being hounded by the media and he just didn’t want to deal with it.“ COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: “I don’t do a ton of things in that regard, just a few minor things. I’ve been working on the Fourth of July parade in my home town of Hingham. I do a lot of day of parade operations and some fund raising leading up to the parade.“ CURRENT JOB: Mathematics teacher at Weston High for the past 17 years. FUTURE PLANS: “I have no big plans. I’m on the down side of my teaching career so I’ll be retiring before too long, but until then it’ll be more of the same.”

  Inducted: 1999

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