Albert Porter

New Bedford Vocational


Middle Distance

Albert Porter was a 1954 graduate of New Bedford Vocational High School. Some of you may even recognize Al as he has been a constant figure in Massachusetts high school cross country and track and field scene for close to 50 years. Even today at the age of 82 he just came from the track, taking a break in his role as an official and the meet director for the past 30 years. In today’s standards, Al’s times may not seem that fast. A 4:26 mile and a 1:56 880 but let’s first remember that Al was running in the early 1950’s. Roger Bannister had not broken the 4 minute mile yet and the only running surfaces were made of dirt outside called cinders and wood boards indoors on tracks that were 180 yards long. One of the things I like most about doing the research for these athletes are the write ups in the newspapers as compared to today’s local newspaper coverage. In the 1950’s track was pretty big and the write ups were awesome. Here are a couple of words from then, “Porter won the Class B half-mile in the brilliant time of 2:00.9. Porter ran a magnificent 880 for Coach Francis Holt’s Trade thinclads. Al bolted down the 220 yard straightaway along with the rest of the pack, but once around the first turn, he pulled out in front. Timers Clocked Al in the blistering time of :55 for the first quarter and :65.9 for the second and he finished more than 20 yards to the good over Melrose’s Bobby Hefford.” Al would go on from that race to the New England championships held at Brown University that year. In that race the paper said, “Porter hit the first quarter in the blistering time of :57 seconds as he gradually began pulling away from the rest of the field. Coach Francis Holt’s smooth-striding ace increased his lead in the backstretch and when he hit the final turn, he was 15 yards to the good of Jason Chick of N. H.” In his senior year Al would go on to win the All State title in the mile. This is how it was described in the paper, “He broke away in first place at the gun and although Dias hung on with determination throughout the race, it was plain to be seen he couldn’t match the Trade star in the stride for stride battle to the finish. With ¾ having gone by on the boards, young Porter began pouring on the coal and by degrees, he pulled away from the plucky Melrose lad to win by close to 50 yards. Coach Holt jubilantly said afterwards that, Yes, I was very pleased with his sense of pace, timing and all around effort. We’re proud of the lad. All in all Al’s high school career consisted of: 5 Class B titles between the mile and 880 and had 4 second place finishes. He won two All State titles and was 2nd twice: he was a 3 time Track and Field news All American with a 2nd, 3rd and 4th place finishes at the National High School track and field championships held at Madison Square Garden. He was selected as New Bedford Vocational’s top student athlete and won a scholarship to the University Of Notre Dame. He was the Indiana State Collegiate 880 champion and ran on nationally ranked 4x440, 4x880 and distance medley relay teams. Al had PR’s of 1:54 and 49 second PR’s. All this was done on cinder and board tracks. In addition to his high school coach being proud of the lad, the MSTCA is also proud of this lad. Will Mr. Al Porter please come up and accept his induction into the Massachusetts State Track Coaches Athlete’s Hall of Fame.

Class: 1954  Inducted: 2016

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