The Run House
MSTCA Division 2 Relays Performance List & Flight Sheets
May 24, 2021

MSTCA Division 2 Relays Performance List & Flight Sheets

Michael Miller

Michael Miller


MSTCA Division 2 Relays Performance List & Flight Sheets

We are excited to host you for this year’s MSTCA Relays on Sunday, MAY 30TH.. Please read this email carefully, as it has all of the information you should need. The [FORMAT](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Sv3Zf8l6zqkHZhkipSkk_CwP88oZXW7lOU_FhycF9cY/edit?usp=sharing) is up to date, please read it before replying with questions.

Lou Tozzi (DII Meet Director) lp.tozz@gmail.com 617-947-1031
Steve Nugent (DII Site Director) nugents@northandoverpublicschools.com 978-361-5155
There is no makeup date, this will be held rain or shine. In the event of extreme weather, we will contact coaches via email by 6:30 AM on the morning of the meets.

There will be a coaches meeting with the meet and site director on the infield 30 minutes prior to the first event for each gender meet.

All individual field event entries must be submitted by THURSDAY 5/27 an NOON, using this [FIELD EVENT ENTRY FORM](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-7muSH0nOy-gebENt31b_JFAGjY-wMC73iyGArhxkqhiZiA/viewform?usp=sf_link). If you need to change the name of a field event competitor after this point, see the finish line Hy-Tek operator on meet day to do so manually. THERE ARE NO FIELD EVENT CARDS.

PERFORMANCE LIST/ FIELD EVENT FLIGHTS- this is the performance list for your meet. If you would like to down seed any running event, or scratch one, please see the timer at the finish line before the start of the meet on the day of. No team will be allowed to improve on its seed time.

[Boys Running Event Performance List](https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/mstca.bucket/MSTCA+DII+Relays+2021+Performance_+Flight+List+-+Boys+Run+Perf+List.pdf)

[Boys Field Event Flights](https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/mstca.bucket/MSTCA+DII+Relays+2021+Performance_+Flight+List+-+Boys+Field+Rotations.pdf)

[Girls Running Event Performance List](https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/mstca.bucket/MSTCA+DII+Relays+2021+Performance_+Flight+List+-+Girls+Run+Perf+List.pdf)

[Girls Field Event Flight List](https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/mstca.bucket/MSTCA+DII+Relays+2021+Performance_+Flight+List+-+Girls+Field+Rotations.pdf)

FIELD EVENT FLIGHTS- at this time, we are not allowing teams to switch field event flights. These include built in warm up time, and should allow for ample time to check out for a running event within the hour long flight. We took great care to avoid multiple athletes overlapping field event times, but we can not guarantee every need will be satisfied. Flights will start on time, never early. Athletes will be allowed to jump out of order, BUT NOT IN A DIFFERENT FLIGHT.

[MSTCA OUTDOOR EMASS MEET RECORDS](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Aj_bXKSiOoMr-DGv9TIh563mz4297mZW1o794hE5RYY/edit#gid=0)

(we are holding to this schedule, and will not get ahead of it, even if there are gaps)::

**Boys 9:00 AM Start:**
Pole Vault (9:00 AM) All Jumpers (Opening Height 8’0”, 9 total jumps)

Boys Long Jump (9:00 Flight #1; 10:00- Flight #2, 11:00- Flight #3) 3 attempts, all legal measured

Boys Triple Jump (9:00 Flight #1; 10:00- Flight #2, 11:00- Flight #3) 3 attempts, all legal measured

Boys High Jump (9:00 AM) All Jumpers (Opening Height 5’0”, 6 total jumps)

Boys Shot Put (9:00 Flight #1; 10:00- Flight #2, 11:00- Flight #3) 3 attempts, all legal measured

Boys Discus (9:00 Flight #1; 10:00- Flight #2, 11:00- Flight #3) 3 attempts, all legal measured

Boys Javelin (9:00 Flight #1; 10:00- Flight #2, 11:00- Flight #3) 3 attempts, all legal measured

9:00 AM- Boys 4x1600m Relay

9:30 AM- Boys 4x110m Shuttle Hurdles

9:45 AM- Boys 4x100m Relay

9:55 AM- Boys Sprint Medley (200-200-400-800)

10:20 AM- Boys 4x800m Relay

10:45 AM- Boys 4x200m Relay (2-turn stagger)

11:00 AM- Boys Distance Medley Relay (1200-400-800-1600)

11:20 AM- Boys 4x400m Relay (3-turn stagger)

**Girls 1:00 PM Start:**

Pole Vault (1:00 PM) All Jumpers (Opening Height 6’0”, 9 total jumps)

Girls Long Jump (1:00 Flight #1; 2:00- Flight #2, 3:00- Flight #3) 3 attempts, all legal measured

Girls Triple Jump (1:00 Flight #1; 2:00- Flight #2, 3:00- Flight #3) 3 attempts, all legal measured

Girls High Jump (1:00 PM) All Jumpers (Opening Height 4’4”, 6 total jumps)

Girls Shot Put (1:00 Flight #1; 2:00- Flight #2, 3:00- Flight #3) 3 attempts, all legal measured

Girls Discus (1:00 Flight #1; 2:00- Flight #2, 3:00- Flight #3) 3 attempts, all legal measured

Girls Javelin (1:00 Flight #1; 2:00- Flight #2, 3:00- Flight #3) 3 attempts, all legal measured

1:00 PM- Girls 4x1600m Relay

1:30 PM- Girls 4x110m Shuttle Hurdles

1:45 PM- Girls 4x100m Relay

1:55 PM- Girls Sprint Medley (200-200-400-800)

2:20 PM- Girls 4x800m Relay

2:45 PM- Girls 4x200m Relay (2-turn stagger)

3:00 PM- Girls Distance Medley Relay (1200-400-800-1600)

3:20 PM- Girls 4x400m Relay (3-turn stagger)

Each school must notify the MSTCA’s Finance Officer at mstca.billing@gmail.com of its payment plan for the entry fees prior to the day of the meet.

If a school is using the MSTCA’s Single Payment method, the school should notify the MSTCA via email and include any Purchase Order number which is attached to the Single Payment.

If a school is paying with a Purchase Order for this meet only, the school should notify the MSTCA of the PO number via email.
If a school is paying by check in advance, the school should mail the check to: MSTCA EMass Relays Entries, 956 Turnpike Rd. Unit D, Canton, MA, 02021, and notify the MSTCA via email.
If a school is paying by cash or check on the day of the meet, the school should notify the MSTCA of this intent via email.

Gordon College, 255 Grapevine Rd, Wenham, MA.

Buses should drop off boys at the track, beginning at 8:00 AM, and park on campus. If athletes are being driven to the meet, cars should park in the campus lots, and walk up to the track (NOTE: this is about a 10 minute walk). Boys teams: when leaving the facility, walk back to your bus (do not have buses return to the drop off area while girls teams are being dropped off. Girls teams: please do not arrive at Gordon College earlier than 12:00 noon.

MSTCA will be selling t-shirts. Athletes should bring their own water and snacks. There will be plenty of portable restrooms.

SITE INFORMATION: North Andover High School, 430 Osgood St., North Andover, MA
Buses should drop off boys at the track, beginning at 8:00 AM, and park on campus. If athletes are being driven to the meet, cars should park in the campus lots, and walk up to the track. Boys teams: when leaving the facility, walk back to your bus (do not have buses return to the drop off area while girls teams are being dropped off. Girls teams: please do not arrive at North Andover earlier than 12:00 noon.
MSTCA will be selling t-shirts. Athletes should bring their own water and snacks. There will be plenty of portable restrooms.
North Andover is an 8 lane oval, with jumping areas inside the track and throwing areas outside.
Spectators are allowed at the facility with no restrictions. $5 per person, adults and students.

Michael Miller

Michael Miller

Author at MSTCA

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