Entries Open For Tozzi & Hoar Invitationals

Michael Miller

MSTCA is excited to bring you two separate invitational meets at Gordon College on the weekend of June 5th and June 6th. Saturday's Lou Tozzi Invitational (9:30 AM start) and Sunday's Jim Hoar Invitational (1:00 PM start) are identical formats, and teams can choose to attend either meet, or both meets, depending on availability of their athletes. Realizing this was an SAT and graduation weekend, we wanted to provide flexibility to teams registering.
These meets are MIAA sanctioned, registration is open NOW at www.directathletics.com, and the MSTCA INVITATIONALS FORMAT is posted for your viewing. Please email Mike Miller (mcspike33@gmail.com) with any questions the format doesn't answer for you.
[Lou Tozzi Invitational](https://www.directathletics.com///coach/?new_sport=track&action=view_meet&meet_hnd=70323&module=schedule)
[Jim Hoar Invitational](https://www.directathletics.com///coach/?module=registration&action=view_meet&meet_hnd=70329)
[INVITATIONAL ENTRY INFORMATION](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DipDRfwMObBP8RhTSZ3XP3xzPrlhNDnvomZLC7VZ63Q/edit).