Bay State Invitational Race Assignments

James Fletcher Jr.

The Bay State Invitational will be front and center this weekend at the Wrentham Developmental Center. Here is a list of the Race assignments and Box numbers.
**Bay State Invitational Race Schedule:**
11:30 AM- Boys RED race
12:00 PM- Boys GREEN race
12:30 PM- Girls RED race
1:00 PM- Girls GREEN race
**BOYS RED RACE: 11:30AM **
**TEAM BOX # **
Attleboro 12
Barnstable 22
Bishop Feehan 20
Burlington 4
Foxboro 1
Hamilton Wenham 5
King Philip 16
Lenox 11
Lincoln Sudbury 9
LongMeadow 7
Lowell 3
Ludlow 21
Marblehead 6
Newburyport 15
Newton North 18
North Attleboro 13
Parker Charter 10
Silver Lake 8
St Johns HS (S) 14
St Johns Prep 19
West Bridgewater 2
Woburn 17
**BOYS Green RACE: 12:00PM**
**TEAM BOX # **
Advanced Math & Science 20
Archbishop Williams 1
Blackstone Valley 5
Brockton 16
Catholic Memorial 18
Essex Tech 11
Falmouth 7
Lunenberg 3
Mansfield 21
Milford 6
Milton 15
Minnechaug 10
Norwell 2
Plymouth North 17
Plymouth South 13
Somerville 12
Stoneham 4
Uxbridge 8
Walpole 14
West Springfield 19
Whit Christian 9
**GIRLS RED RACE: 12:30pm**
**TEAM BOX #**
Algonquin 4
Arlington Catholic 9
Barnstable 20
Bishop Feehan 1
Central Catholic 18
Foxboro 5
Hamilton Wenham 16
King Philip 11
Lenox 7
LongMeadow 3
Lowell 21
Ludlow 6
Marblehead 15
Mount Alvernia 13
New Bedford 8
Newburyport 10
Parker Charter 2
Shep Hill 14
Wakefield 19
West Bridgewater 17
Woburn 12
**GIRLS Green RACE: 1:00PM**
**TEAM BOX # **
Advanced Math & Science 20
Archbishop Williams 1
Blackstone Valley 5
Brockton 16
Cambridge R&L 13
Essex Tech 11
Falmouth 7
Hopedale 8
Lunenberg 3
Mansfield 6
Milford 15
Milton 10
Minnechaug 2
Murdock 14
NDA Hingham 19
Norwell 17
Plymouth North 12
Somerville 4
Stoneham 9
Whit Christian 18