The Run House
Bay State Invitational Race Assignments
Sep 30, 2021

Bay State Invitational Race Assignments

Anonymous Member

James Fletcher Jr.


Bay State Invitational Race Assignments

The Bay State Invitational will be front and center this weekend at the Wrentham Developmental Center. Here is a list of the Race assignments and Box numbers.

**Bay State Invitational Race Schedule:**

11:30 AM- Boys RED race

12:00 PM- Boys GREEN race

12:30 PM- Girls RED race

1:00 PM- Girls GREEN race

**BOYS RED RACE: 11:30AM **

**TEAM BOX # **

Attleboro 12

Barnstable 22

Bishop Feehan 20

Burlington 4

Foxboro 1

Hamilton Wenham 5

King Philip 16

Lenox 11

Lincoln Sudbury 9

LongMeadow 7

Lowell 3

Ludlow 21

Marblehead 6

Newburyport 15

Newton North 18

North Attleboro 13

Parker Charter 10

Silver Lake 8

St Johns HS (S) 14

St Johns Prep 19

West Bridgewater 2

Woburn 17

**BOYS Green RACE: 12:00PM**

**TEAM BOX # **

Advanced Math & Science 20

Archbishop Williams 1

Blackstone Valley 5

Brockton 16

Catholic Memorial 18

Essex Tech 11

Falmouth 7

Lunenberg 3

Mansfield 21

Milford 6

Milton 15

Minnechaug 10

Norwell 2

Plymouth North 17

Plymouth South 13

Somerville 12

Stoneham 4

Uxbridge 8

Walpole 14

West Springfield 19

Whit Christian 9

**GIRLS RED RACE: 12:30pm**

**TEAM BOX #**

Algonquin 4

Arlington Catholic 9

Barnstable 20

Bishop Feehan 1

Central Catholic 18

Foxboro 5

Hamilton Wenham 16

King Philip 11

Lenox 7

LongMeadow 3

Lowell 21

Ludlow 6

Marblehead 15

Mount Alvernia 13

New Bedford 8

Newburyport 10

Parker Charter 2

Shep Hill 14

Wakefield 19

West Bridgewater 17

Woburn 12

**GIRLS Green RACE: 1:00PM**

**TEAM BOX # **

Advanced Math & Science 20

Archbishop Williams 1

Blackstone Valley 5

Brockton 16

Cambridge R&L 13

Essex Tech 11

Falmouth 7

Hopedale 8

Lunenberg 3

Mansfield 6

Milford 15

Milton 10

Minnechaug 2

Murdock 14

NDA Hingham 19

Norwell 17

Plymouth North 12

Somerville 4

Stoneham 9

Whit Christian 18

Anonymous Member

James Fletcher Jr.

Author at MSTCA

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